Saturday, June 13, 2009

This is bad...........very BAD!

I'm stumped. I can't all! I've sat at my craft table since 8:00 this morning and nothing. I spent about 3 hours on the 365 Cards challenge..........and nothing. I spent another 2 hours on the Card Patterns challenge..........and nothing. I've looked at the 2S4U challenge for the last 1 1/2 hours...........and nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing. What is going on with me today?! I put something together and don't like the patterns. I try a 6X6 and find it should be a 5X7. I stick something down and decide I don't like it. I print an image and it's too big. I cut out an image and I cut into the lines. Nothing is working. So........I'm gonna put it all away and try again tomorrow. I have several cards to make for friends, but I'm getting nowhere. Think I'll go eat a plate of the deliciously smelling smoked bbq ribs that hubby is cooking, watch a movie or two and try again tomorrow. Thanks for joining me in my pitty party and I'll see you tomorrow...........hopefully.


Maz said...

Oh Diana, this is so unlike you, your mojo must have gone awal but hopefully it will be back tomorrow.
Once you have had a break hopefully it will all fall into place

Mrs. Butler said...

I'd say some ribs sound like just the cure ;)

Eating Cheetos said...

This must mean something REALLY good is brewing in that mind of yours right now. It has soaked up a full days worth of mental creativity...I bet tomorrow you'll have a breakthrough! I can't wait to see all the creations that are just waiting to spill onto your craft table!!

Julie said...

Oh I hate to hear that. The ideas will all be back in the morning when you wake up. Enjoy the ribs and movie. I can't wait to see what you create tomorrow......I love you!

Jeannie said...

We've all been there girlfriend. Sometimes I make a card and just throw it out because if I can't stand looking at it, why would anybody else, ya?! Anyway, it happens, no worries, and don't give up, you'll be back in no time!

Peace and Luv,